NCRPO carries out reshuffling of Metro chiefs of police

May 18, 2017 - 5:09 PM
NCRPO emblem
Seal of the PNP National Capital Region Police Office

MANILA – National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) Regional Director, Police Director Oscar D. Albayalde, on Thursday disclosed the reshuffling of some of the Chiefs of Police in the five police districts of NCRPO.

The reorganization came as an offshoot of the Career Advancement program of officers, where some were promoted to higher positions, and other movements were because of officers due for retirement.

Furthermore, upon assessment of the oversight committee, it was deemed necessary to designate officers more familiar with the structure of the communities where his expertise is going to be more relevant.

According to Chief Inspector Kimberly Esteban Molitas, Chief Regional Public Information Office, among these officers are:

  • PSSupt Alexander P. Santos, from the Regional Operations Division to Taguig City Police Office
  • PSSupt Allen Sumeg-ang Ocden, from Taguig City Police Office to Navotas City Police Station
  • PSSupt Dante P Novicio, from Navotas Police Station to Muntinlupa CPO
  • PSSupt Nicolas S Salvador, now designated as Acting Regional Operations and Plans Division, NCRPO
  • PSSupt Lawrence B Coop from Pasay CPO to San Juan City Police Station, EPD
  • PSSupt Dionisio B Bartolome to the Pasay City Police Station, SPD and PSSupt Audie A Villacin as Office-in-Charge, District Directorial Staff, Eastern Police District

Albayalde ordered all District Directors to ensure that the incoming Officers-in-Charge will appropriately assume their respective offices, and that the newly designated officers with their District Directors or his Deputy are duly presented by the outgoing Chief of Police to the City Mayor for a smooth turnover and courtesy call.

“It is the policy of the PNP to look into the career advancement of our officers, it is also important to assess and look at where our officers can best perform. This is a matter of putting the right man on the job where he can excel and best serve the public,” Albayalde added.