Baguio schools to be required to disseminate campus crime/security awareness

July 7, 2017 - 8:15 PM
Baguio public school teacher and pupils
Baguio public school teacher and her pupils. Photographed by Aldwin Quitasol.

BAGUIO CITY – Under a newly passed City Ordinance authored by Baguio City Councilor Leandro Yangot, the Office of the City Mayor will task the Committee on Education, in coordination with representatives from educational institutions, including those of higher learning, to identify exemplary campus security policies, procedures and practices that have been proven to be effective in reducing campus crimes, for wider propagation in the educational community.

Yangot said the city legislation seeks to provide adequate, updated information for the edification of students, parents or guardians, as well as the community, regarding safety and security policies and procedures at schools and learning institutions.

According to Yangot, schools in Baguio have experienced incidents of bullying, fraternity clashes, deaths and serious physical harm inflicted to students and stakeholders that continue to hound the public, more so the families of the victims.

The councilor stated that no institution should deny justice to victims of crime or violence and spare the perpetrators from disciplinary proceedings.

The ordinance will require campuses to collect data on campus violence and crime every year, prepare, publish and distribute the findings through appropriate publications, for dissemination to all students, employees and applicants for enrolment or employment upon request.

This annual security report, Yangot said, should include a statement of current campus policies regarding procedures for students, access to relevant campus facilities, the enforcement authority of security personnel, including their work relationship with national and local agencies, as well as guidance on reporting criminal actions or emergencies occurring on the campus.

The report should inform students and employees about the prevention of crimes, and present statistics showing the occurrence on campuses of incidents such as murder, rape, physical injuries, robbery and sexual harassment, and a statement of policies regarding the possession, use and sale of alcohol, beverages and enforcement of underage drinking laws, among others.

The councilor emphasized it has been the policy of the local government to provide a safe and healthy environment for its constituents taking into consideration all the sectors in the community which include, among others, the learning institutions whether private or private.