WATCH | Caloocan cops acknowledge: T’was Kian in cctv surveillance video

August 23, 2017 - 12:42 AM
Cctv Kian delos Santos arrest
Video clip from cctv surveillance footage showing Kian delos Santos being taken away.

Two police officers acknowledged to the Philippine National Police (PNP) Internal Affairs Service (IAS) that it was, indeed Grade 11 student Kian Lloyd delos Santos depicted in a closed circuit television video being hauled away by law enforcers before getting killed in the wake of a recent drug operation.

Kian, 17 years old, was killed by three fatal gunshots after elements of the Caloocan police arrested him. The initial police narrative was that the boy opened fire at them, which compelled them to fire back.

IAS is expected to shortly submit the findings of its investigation to PNP Chief Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa, which will include a recommendation to cite the implicated cops for an administrative complaint.

Atty. Alfegar Triambulo, the IAS Inspector General, said, “apparently there was a violation, irregularity. That’s why we are investigating. There were apparently lapses, which is why we will be recommending the filing of the complaint.”

IAS would be performing a so-called Pre-Charge Investigation to determine probable cause for citing the erring cops with “serious irregularity in the performance of duty.”

Two police officers acknowledged that they were the ones who took Kian away from the house.

If they are proven to have done wrong, Triambulo said, they will be stripped of the police badge and official-issue firearm.

Click and watch the video report below: