SC readies contingency buses for bad weather on Bar Exam Sunday

November 4, 2017 - 3:34 PM

The Supreme Court has made the following announcement, to the effect that, in case of heavy rain in the morning of Bar Examination day, Sunday, October 5, there will be 10 Supreme Court buses made available to transport Bar Examinees and duty personnel to the University of Santo Tomas (UST) from the following pick-up points:

A. Quezon City Memorial Circle – 2 buses

B. Park and Ride, Lawton, Manila – 1 bus

C. Supreme Court Compound, Taft Avenue – 2 buses

D. Coastal Mall Terminal, Parañaque – 2 buses
(5, 19 and 26 November 2017)

EDSA Magallanes Flyover (beneath the Flyover), Pasay – 2 buses
(12 November 2017)

E. Greenbelt and Glorietta, Ayala Center, Makati – 2 buses

F. Marikina Sports Complex – 1 bus

The SC shuttle buses shall be stationed at these areas as early as 5:00 a.m. and will leave at EXACTLY 5:30 a.m.

Further postings shall be made if more buses will be available.

Please note: Only bar examinees and duty personnel are allowed to ride the shuttle buses. The boarding shall be made on a first come, first served basis.

In order to avail of this service, they must present their Notice of Admission, Gate Pass and/or ID card, as the case may be, to the bus driver before allowed to board.

In case of flooding
In case of flooding inside the UST compound before the Bar Examinations start, commuter vans of the SC shall be available to transport bar examinees and duty personnel from the UST gates to their respective examination buildings within UST.

Priority in the use of the commuter vans shall be given to senior citizens, pregnant women and persons with disability (PWDs ).

If flooding persists
In case flooding persists after the end of the examinations on any given examination day, the SC commuter vans on standby at each examination building in UST shall be available to transport back bar examinees and duty personnel to the Osmeña and Arellano Drives near Gate 5 on España Boulevard, where the SC shuttle buses are parked.

The SC shuttle buses shall then be available to transport bar examinees and duty personnel from the UST to the following drop-off areas:

(1) North-bound passengers shall be transported up to QC Memorial Circle

(2) South-bound passengers could be dropped-off at Park and Ride in Lawton, Supreme Court premises and at the Coastal Mall Terminal, Parañaque (5, 19 and 26 November 2017) and EDSA Magallanes Flyover (beneath the Flyover), Pasay (12 November 2017)

(3) For Makati area, drop-off area shall be at the Ayala Center (Glorietta and Greenbelt)

(4) For Marikina area, the Marikina Sports Complex.

(Note: On 12 November 2017, 2nd Sunday of the Bar Examinations, Roxas Boulevard will be closed to traffic in view of the ASEAN Summit.) Please be guided accordingly.