South Korea’s Moon says 2015 ‘comfort women’ agreement with Japan flawed

December 28, 2017 - 10:33 AM
Students hold portraits of former South Korean "comfort women" who have died during a rally in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul. (Reuters file)

SEOUL — South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Thursday that a 2015 agreement with Japan over South Korean “comfort women” was seriously flawed and urged follow-up measures to resolve the issue.

Moon said the 2015 agreement “cannot solve” the comfort women issue, the Blue House said in a statement.

Moon’s comments follow South Korea’s announcement on Wednesday that the 2015 deal with Japan over South Korean “comfort women” forced to work in Japan’s wartime military brothels failed to meet the victims’ needs, throwing ties into doubt as both countries seek to rein in North Korea.

Also on Wednesday, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono said any attempt to revise the agreement with South would be unacceptable and make relations unmanageable.

“The Japan-South Korea agreement is an agreement between the two governments and one that has been highly appreciated by international society,” Kono said in a written statement.

“If the South Korean government … tried to revise the agreement that is already being implemented, that would make Japan’s ties with South Korea unmanageable and it would be unacceptable.” a