LOOK | Govt forces kill suspected Abu Sayyaf in Clarin, Bohol

April 22, 2017 - 9:10 PM
Joselito Melloria suspected ASG Clarin Bohol
Picture of slain suspected Abu Sayyaf stringer Joselito Melloria. AFP handout photograph.

While activities related to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit were underway elsewhere in Bohol, heightened security operations on that island province resulted in government forces intercepting a suspected Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) terrorist on Saturday afternoon, resulting in a firefight that killed Joselito Melloria, believed to be operating in a sub-leader capacity.

Initial reports indicated that the clash occurred at a village of the town of Clarin, sources from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Central Command indicated.

Melloria, who is said to use the nom-de-guerre Abu Alih, is suspected of serving as the local contact stringing for the ASG, and was apparently on his way to the town of Inabanga, scene of a vicious clash between the Abu Sayyaf and joint AFP-Police security forces earlier in the week.

The Municipality of Inabanga posted updates on its Facebook Account Saturday including photographs showing an apparent bunker and an advisory map providing updates on the breaking situation. (With a preliminary feed from Dale de Vera, News5)

advisory Inabanga map
Advisory-map posted on the Municipality of Inabanga Facebook account
Abu Sayyaf bunker Inabanga Bohol
Details from a captured bunker (circumscribed in orange) in Barangay Bacani near the border of Carin, apparently used by the Abu Sayyaf bandits. From composite image posted on the Municipality of Inabanga Facebook account.
Inabanga ASG wanted poster
‘Wanted poster’ of Abu Sayyaf suspects posted on the Municipality of Inabanga Facebook account.
Inabanga security briefing 302nd Brigade
Inabanga Mayor Roygie Jumamoy and Bohol Governor Edgar Chatto listen to a security briefing conducted by Philippine Army 302nd Brigade Commander, Col. Arnulfo Matanguihan.
Duterte Jumamoy Chatto
President Rodrigo Duterte is met by Inabanga Mayor Jumamoy and Bohol Governor Chatto for a briefing on the Abu Sayyaf incident.
