You can now visit Valenzuela’s state-of-the-art city library

February 28, 2023 - 3:55 PM
Valenzuela City Library
Students visiting the Valenzuela City Library in these photos uploaded on its Facebook page on Feb. 27, 2023 (Valenzuela City Library/Facebook)

“Ask your mayors to build one for your city.”

A project officer for Valenzuela City‘s arts program encouraged Filipinos to push for the creation of more libraries in their respective areas after photos of their city library gained buzz.

Michael King, head of events at Valenzuela City Parks, on Sunday retweeted a post of the city government which featured photos of the newly-opened Valenzuela City Library with state-of-the-art facilities and a modern look.

“Sunday Hit: Full house ang 3 [three] floors ng Valenzuela City Library. It’s your chance to hit retweet and ask your mayors to build one for your city,” he wrote on Twitter on February 26.

“Retweet” is a function on the short-messaging platform which enables the original post to be shared with other people’s timelines.

Screenwriter Jerry Gracio also commented that Valenzuela’s public library is “very much alive.”

“Andaming tao sa Valenzuela City Library — bata, matanda, estudyante man o hindi; browsing books, reading, taking a selfie, enjoying the library’s welcoming ambiance,” he tweeted on Sunday.

“Buháy na buháy ang aklatan ng Valenzuela! Kudos to the City Gov’t! Sino ang may sabi na hindi na uso ang library?” Gracio added.

Twitter account @citiesforyou, which describes itself as a “lover of good and inclusive public space,” also took notice of the city library.

“The library, being the melting pot of art, education and culture, is no longer described just as a provider of information; but rather an inclusive, community-focused place for the interaction of people and exchange of ideas in an overwhelming commercialized urban environment,” it said regarding the Valenzuela City Library.

The city opened its library’s doors to the public for the first time last Friday, February 24.

Valenzuela City Mayor Wes Gatchalian led the opening of the library at the Valenzuela Academic Center for Excellence (ValACE) in Barangay Malinta.

“The opening of our city library here at ValACE signifies our city government’s recognition of the important role of information and learning in nation-building. This is why the city government believes [in] having a state-of-the-art and modern public library,” he said in the inaugural speech.

The Valenzuela City Library has separate rooms for persons with disabilities (PWD) and children readers.

It also offers a 54-desk study room for students who have busy homes and need a quiet place to do their schoolwork and study, according to former city mayor and Social Welfare Secretary Rex Gatchalian.

Rex was the one who initiated the library and ValACE’s construction, while Sen. Win Gatchalian helped the city acquire funds for the establishment.

The Valenzuela City Library additionally features a Xiao Chua Public History Collection which features books written by the historian for the consumption of history lovers.

Wes said that the library is accepting book donations since there are still sections that lack reading materials for the public.

The library’s first and third floors are open daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., while the second floor is open until 12 a.m.