Priesthood is not monopolized but shared, bishop says at Chrism Mass

March 29, 2024 - 9:54 AM
Bishop Pablo Virgilio David celebrates Chrism Mass at the San Roque Cathedral in Caloocan City on March 28, 2024. (Diocese of Kalookan/Benoy Alfaro)

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David told priests at Thursday’s Chrism Mass at the Kalookan Cathedral that they did not receive ordination to monopolize the priesthood.

“It is meaningless if it does not build the whole Church in communion and participation in the common priesthood of the faithful,” David said in his homily.

The bishop went further to say that ministerial priesthood deteriorates if it does not empower the laity for mission, especially by building basic ecclesial communities and a Church of the poor.

“It is not enough to invite our lay people to serve the Church. The ministry that matters most is their service to the world as members of a servant Church,” David said.

“The active and transformative presence of our laity in society in all aspects of societal life is their more essential ministry and participation in the Church mission,” he said.

The Chrism Mass during Holy Week is where the bishop blesses the Oil of the Sick, the Oil of Catechumens, and the Chrism Oil for use throughout the diocese over the year.

The diocese’s clergy also concelebrated the Mass and renewed their priestly vows “as sharers in the ordained priesthood”.

David further stressed that the ministry of laypeople that matters most is their service to the world as members of a servant Church.

“The active and transformative presence of our laity in society in all aspects of societal life is their more essential ministry and participation in the Church mission,” he added.

The prelate also enjoined everyone— whether ordained, consecrated or lay, to deepen “our common priesthood and become truly configured to the one priesthood of Christ”.

“…That we practice our leadership only in the humble and selfless spirit of servanthood, as disciples in mission representing our divine master who came not to be served but to serve and to give his life for the redemption of the whole world,” he said.