Trump expands ban, issues travel restrictions on North Korea, Venezuela

September 25, 2017 - 8:07 AM
File photo of U.S. President Donald Trump

WASHINGTON — The United States will prohibit entry of citizens from North Korea to the United States as part of a sweeping new travel ban that also slaps restrictions on Iran, Chad, Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen and Somalia, the Trump administration said on Sunday.

The new restrictions, slated to go into effect on October 18, resulted from a review after President Donald Trump’s original travel bans were challenged in court.

The addition of North Korea and Venezuela broadens the restrictions from the original, mostly Muslim-majority list.

”North Korea does not cooperate with the United States government in any respect and fails to satisfy all

information-sharing requirements,” the proclamation said.

An administration official, briefing reporters on a conference call, acknowledged that the number of North Koreans traveling to the United States now was very low.