Close to 400 bad cops sacked

February 28, 2018 - 12:26 PM

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police has dismissed 398 personnel from the service for various offenses ranging from absence without leave to drugs to murder.

The most dismissals, 167, were due to drug-related offenses. Of these, 151 involved drug use.

The other reasons for dismissal were:

  • AWOL – 91
  • Grave misconduct – 70
  • Robbery/extortion – 23
  • Murder – 22
  • Kidnapping – 10
  • Homicide – 6
  • Rape – 3
  • Illegal arrest/detention – 3
  • Parricide – 2

Records of the Directorate for Personnel and Records Management showed a total of 1,614 police personnel were meted penalties in administrative cases from ‎‎2016 to 2018.

Since 2016, the PNP investigated 14,515 administrative cases, resolving 8,422 of these. There are 6,093 more cases pending resolution.