ICT UPDATE | Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere secures the digitally transformed workplace

May 30, 2017 - 11:51 PM
Hitachi Data Systems

The latest version of Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) Anywhere puts the right tools to make employees more engaged, productive and efficient.

Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere is the industry’s only private enterprise mobility solution that allows employees to collaborate with co-workers and external parties to share files or folders anytime, anywhere, on any device, without compromising security or control of corporate information.

At its core is object storage software whereby organizations can broker a holistic approach to the digital workplace spanning data within the enterprise and in the cloud.

Expanding on its heritage of enterprise class features and security, HCP Anywhere adds more collaboration, usability and data protection capabilities.

With HCP Anywhere, data is kept on HCP, where it is secure, protected and compliant with internal Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) protocols. A file saved to the user’s HCP Anywhere folder is automatically sync’ed to all registered devices and becomes available via web browsers. Users can then access their work files not only in their company’s premises but also anywhere, anytime with any device.

Admin work is simplified with self-service mobile device management, auditing, and full integration with Microsoft Active Directory. By sending links instead of attachments, email storage as well as backup and network payloads are reduced. Software can be easily deployed within existing IT environments while supporting antivirus, device management and user authentication services, automatic client updates.

HCP stores data as objects which are deduplicated, compressed and “backup-free” in a private cloud object store. Instead of transmitting actual data, users can send links to files and mails which reduces network bandwidth demand.

The combination of HCP Anywhere and the rest of the HCP portfolio of object storage, cloud file gateway, content intelligence and search extends the tools and talent of IT beyond the Data Centre. It is an easy first step for organizations pursuing digital transformation.

Hitachi’s Content Platform Anywhere is on target to exploit squarely the opportunities, benefits and advantages of the coming digital transformation of the Philippine economy. In the next four years, revenue growth from information-based products is predicted to be double that of the rest of the product/service portfolio.  By 2020, about 25% of the country’s top 1,000 companies will see majority of their business depend on their ability to create digitally enhanced products, services and experiences.

Strong compliance and security heritage coupled with Hitachi’s expertise in understanding and integrating into some of the most complex enterprise IT environments will put digital transformation-driven companies ahead of the competition.

Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere (HCP Anywhere) is a fully integrated, secure cloud solution for enterprise mobility, including mobile access to NAS data, file synchronization and sharing as well as configuration and management of Hitachi Data Ingestor file server gateways.

HCP Anywhere uses Hitachi Content Platform, the most secure, efficient, scalable and highest-density hybrid cloud storage platform object store, to store, protect, secure and manage data behind the scenes.