LRMC rivers campaign and passenger safety program bag Quill Awards

July 18, 2017 - 8:34 PM
Receiving the Quill Award of Excellence for LRMC's CSR campaign Live for the Rivers Movement Coalition, and the Quill Award of Merit for the #KaligtasanSaLRT1 safety campaign are (L-R): Ranilio Reyes, HSEQ Manager; Rodrigo Bulario, Operations Director; Valentin Reyes, HSEQ Director; Emmanuel Lucas, Operations Support Manager; Rochelle Elena Gamboa, CorpComm Head; Louernie De Sales, Environmental and Ecosystems Manager; Mylinn Mercado, Stations Operations Manager; Kolyn Gervacio, CorpComm Associate; and Salvia Dominique Ramos, External Relations.

MANILA – On the heels of its awards on finance and public relations from various sectors, Light Rail Manila Corporation (LRMC), the operator of Light Rail Transit 1 (LRT-1), won two more awards in the 15th Philippine Quill Awards for its corporate social responsibility program Live for the Rivers Movement Coalition and the passenger safety campaign #KaligtasanSaLRT1.

The Quill Award of Excellence on Communication Management for Corporate Social Responsibility was awarded to the Live for the Rivers Movement Coalition, a program which aimed to help rehabilitate Estero de Tripa de Gallina, the longest creek in Metro Manila. LRMC engaged the participation and support of both the national and local governments, as well as residents living near the creek, to help clean Estero de Tripa de Gallina and spark conversations on how bodies of water in the metro affect everyone’s food safety.

#KaligtasanSaLRT1 was recognized with the Award of Merit on Communication Management for Safety Communication as it used trending “hugot” lines to communicate safety messages to LRT-1 passengers, especially the students and young professionals. The campaign promoted safety awareness not just in LRT-1 stations but also in digital platforms as passengers took the campaign collaterals to social media and became safety advocates themselves.

The 15th Philippine Quill Awards was organized by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), an association of communication professionals from different fields and industries around the globe.

In April this year, Live for the Rivers Movement Coalition and #KaligtasanSaLRT1 also won awards in the 52nd Anvil Awards with a Gold and two Silver wins.

LRMC also took home several international awards for its P24-billion project loan facility. These awards are: Transport Deal of the Year in the Asset Asian Awards 2017; Best Project Finance Deal of 2016 in the 10th Alpha Southeast Asia Best Deal and Solution Awards; and Asia Pacific Infrastructure Deal of the Year in the 2016 Project Finance International Awards.