‘Autism not a joke or insult’: Advocates slam netizen for making fun of prexy bet

February 4, 2022 - 6:21 PM
Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels

A non-profit organization called out a social media post making fun of a presidential aspirant and relating it to a developmental disability.

Autism Society Philippines (ASP) on Friday reminded a Twitter user that autism “should be neither a joke nor an insult” after the latter shared a post about voting a candidate in the 2022 national elections.

“Kung sakaling ma-disqualify si Marcos, no choice kundi kay Isko Moreno, basta ‘wag lang talaga ‘yung napakab*bo at napakat*nga na VP Leni Robredo ng kakampinks,” it reportedly tweeted.

Another presidential aspirant, former senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr., is facing disqualification petitions before the Commission on Elections.

The poll body has not yet released any decision about the matter.

Meanwhile, the Twitter post included a photo of Vice President Leni Robredo doing the finger heart gesture popular among K-pop fans.

It bore the text: “Signs of Autism.”

The ASP called this post out and said that autism “should not become fodder for partisan skirmishes between political supporters.”

“Please reconsider your content,” the organization added, tagging the Twitter user’s account.

ASP Twitter post on Leni
(Screenshot from the Autism Society Philippines’ Twitter account by Interaksyon)

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of complex brain development disorders, according to the World Health Organization.

It is an umbrella term covering conditions such as autism and Asperger syndrome.

These disorders are characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication and a restricted and repetitive repertoire of interests and activities.

The WHO said that people with autism often have co-occurring conditions, including epilepsy, depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as challenging behaviors such as difficulty sleeping and self-injury.