Why can’t they throw ’em? Ire over used milk tea cups left lying around

August 27, 2019 - 8:03 PM
Grocey store
A woman walking along aisles of a grocery store. (Unsplash/Stock photo)

Pictures of a popular milk tea brand’s empty cup left on a supermarket rack gained attention on Twitter not because it was extraordinary, but because it happens often enough.

Twitter user @achilles_cy chided an unknown “James” for purchasing a drink of CoCo Milk Tea and leaving it on the aisle instead of throwing it on the trash.

The incident inspired the user to compose what appeared to be a poem as he criticized “James'” actions.

The empty cup was left in the oatmeal section of an unknown grocery store.

Other Twitter users asked the uploader if he was able to throw the empty cup on the trash or not since he already saw it.

There were those who were repulsed by the action, pointing out that an empty milk tea cup does not weigh that much for it to be carried and placed in a trash can.

Others tagged their own friends who shared the same name as the milk tea consumer and jokingly chided them as well.

It is not known whether the uploader of the pictures was able to throw the empty milk tea cup in the trash can or not.

Eating is generally not allowed in supermarkets or grocery stores, although some have small shops or cafes inside.

Despite this, it is discouraged to eat in such establishments since food or beverages might be spilled on the floor—where there is a constant movement of the staff and customers—or on the grocery items.

Grocery stores or supermarkets usually have security guards situated on the entrance to prevent patrons from bringing in foods or drinks.

Tea lovers but lazy litterers

It was not the first time that online Filipinos complained of used milk tea cups not thrown properly.

Older tweets suggest that many tea drinkers are willing to queue to purchase the refreshments but do not bother hurling them into garbage bins.

But some milk tea cups are reusable

Not all milk tea cups are meant to be thrown away after a single use. More enviromentally conscious companies have started to give out reusable plastics and containers for their products.

Twitter user @markgabofficial had the diligence to verify his hunch that a tea shop’s plastic cups are reusable. The social media thread in June gained more than 34,000 likes and 21,000 retweets.

The post even reached the managers of Macao Imperial Milk Tea.