Here’s how online transactions can be stress-free for older adults

June 29, 2022 - 2:15 PM
Senior using computer
Photo by katemangostar via

A cybersecurity firm shared tips on how older adults can embrace technology securely after it was revealed that almost one in three seniors in Southeast Asia experience anxiety when paying online.

Kaspersky reported that 21% of digital service users in the Asian region get anxious when performing online transactions.

Worry was largely seen among those aged 55 years old and above at 30%, followed by the Generation Z group (18 to 24 years old) at 27%.

Around 20% of the 55 years old and above age group also admitted that they would rather pay in cash instead of undergoing a digital transaction.

At least 20% of them likewise cited difficulties in performing financial transactions online.

Kaspersky_Infog on Anxiety Digital Payment
Infographic showing percentage of different age groups in Southeast Asia who get anxious in making digital transactions. (Infographic by Kaspersky/Released)

“The older adults are not from the internet age. Their worries are understandable and should be seen as a precautionary measure towards making a costly mistakes in a technology they are still learning to use,” Sandra Lee, the firm’s managing director for Asia Pacific, said.

The company suggested ways in which people aged 55 years and above can use technology in a secure, anxious-free manner through the following:

Parental controls 

These settings are not just for kids. They can also be used in older people’s gadgets to simplify things.

The younger ones can set up controlled user accounts to help manage their elder’s computers, devices and apps by restricting their options and access for them to avoid confusion.

Automatic updates 

Set their apps and programs to update automatically so they will always have the most secure versions.

Security solutions vs scams 

It is also recommended to set up security solutions for them to minimize their risk of being victimized by scams and online threats.

Examples include Kaspersky’s Internet Security, Fraud Prevention and Safe Money to help them check the legitimacy of bank websites, payment systems and online stores.

Explaining safe internet practices 

Young people can help reduce their elder’s internet anxiety by teaching them to keep their passwords safe, to only share information with people they know in real life, to only connect to home networks in online transactions, and to never click dubious links.

Being supportive

It is also suggested for the younger ones to encourage their elder to contact them if the latter has any questions, or if they need assistance in any way in the digital world.