R&B artist Jason Dhakal is not as impressed by young rapper Michael Pacquiao

August 14, 2020 - 10:58 AM
A photo of R&B artist Jason Dhakal on Facebook (Jason Dhakal/Released)

R&B artist Jason Dhakal differed from many new fans of up-and-coming rapper Michael Pacquiao who recently performed his original composition on YouTube.

Dhakal’s YouTube videos saw dislikes from the young Pacquiao’s supporters and left negative comments on his Facebook page.

Senator-boxer Manny Pacquiao’s second son Michael or “Young Manny” recently gained public attention for his live performance of his new song “Hate” on Wish 107.5 on August 5, which earned millions of views.

The track “Hate” is part of Michael’s debut album called “Dreams” which was released on Spotify last July.

Last June, Michael also drew attention for his collaboration with his friend, Michael Bars, for the rap song called “Pac-Man.” The song was inspired by his father, hence the title.

Although the young rapper earned praises for his rapping skills, some Filipinos were hesitant about supporting him given his father’s record of controversial remarks and political views as a lawmaker.

Dhakal, meanwhile, hit the “privilege” of Michael and other “artista kids” who were given more opportunities than other rising, talented artists.

On August 10, he quote-retweeted a video clip of Michael’s rap performance of “Hate” from ABS-CBN reporter Dyan Castillejo and said: “This makes me want to stop making music honestly.”


Opportunity over talent?

In a series of tweets after, Dhakal ranted that other rappers and artists whom he perceived to have more talent were not given enough opportunities and platform to showcase them.

“It’s weird to me how people will automatically give a platform to rich artista kids w/ mediocre talent who already are financially set for life while local rappers here risk their livelihood to make music and get 0 recognition,” he said.

“You know these people make music for capitalism and because that’s the trending sound yet people who actually make music and risk their entire future for it get paid no attention I’m kinda tired of having to work 4x harder just because I don’t have an artista parent to depend on,” he added in another tweet.

Dhakal recalled a story of another “artista kid” who was easily given a two-year contract just because of that person’s parents’ connection with a music label as an example.

Clapback from Michael’s supporters

Following these tweets, Twitter user @7eodore noticed that some people had been disliking Dhakal’s recent YouTube videos and attached screenshots of this on his tweet.

“So sino yung crab mentality ngayon sobrang toxic,” the user said.

Another user @jasmiinegp noted that there are mean comments against Dhakal on Facebook.

She also stressed the latter’s statements on privilege in the industry, citing Heart Evangelista who was known to earn a lot of money for her paintings and handbag designs.

“Heart Evangelista sells her paintings for millions while lesser-known artists have to work twice, even thrice as hard and they STILL get half as far/barely get any recognition at all,” she said.

Another user cited the controversial painting of Ormoc City Mayor Richard Gomez which was sold for a hefty P200,000 in 2019. The user also attached a photo of the painting on his tweet.

Artist Camila Sunn, meanwhile, questioned the backlash against Dhakal when he was only expressing his thoughts on the music industry.

“He came to the Philippines without knowing anyone, he worked extremely hard for everything he has just to make a name for himself,” she said.

“Why are people acting like suddenly he’s not human just because he feels discouraged with how the whole industry works,” she added.