Filipinos amused that foreigners have no clue how to cut mangoes in viral video

June 27, 2019 - 11:43 AM
Mangoes in a bowl (Photo by HOTCHICKSING on Unsplash)

A video clip of several foreigners having a difficult time cutting and peeling mangoes was noticed by some Filipinos online and poked fun at it.

The clip was first shared by a certain Ibna Mattuta on Twitter on July 21.

Mattuta captioned the 30-second video with: “Did you know that we share a world with people that have no clue whatsoever on how to cut a mango?”

Two days later, another user @danishellefaye retweeted this and wrote: “Thank God I’m Filipino.”

Her post eventually made rounds more than 23,000 times on the microblogging platform.

Users in the comments section tell of cringe and disappointment after watching it.

This clip was part of an old video from a food channel on YouTube called Epicurious.

Fifty people were asked to cut, slice and serve a mango in the original video. All of them, unfortunately, failed to do so.

It was uploaded way back on November 15, 2017 and has reached more than two million views.

Mattuta later pointed out that it’s possible these foreigners have not seen a real mango in their lives.

“To be fair, if you’d never seen a real mango in your entire life the results would be somewhere along these lines,” he said.

According to reference website World Atlas, the most popular fruit in the world is a tomato.

On its list, the other most popular fruits in the world are bananas, watermelons and apples based on global fruit production in 2014.

Mangoes are still popular, however, in certain parts of the world, including the Philippines.

A 2017 study from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations showed that India is the top mango-producing country in the world with approximately 30% of total global production.

India is followed by Brazil and China where the tropical fruit is mostly produced for domestic consumption.

Surplus in mangoes

While the Philippines is not a top producer, the country’s weather conditions this year produced an ample amount of mangoes with an excess of some 2 million kilograms.

Quartz reports that this phenomenon happens every three or four years.

“The glut means lower selling prices, and farmers have said there’s currently so much excess fruit that, without help, it will just rot where it is. To assist, the government has stepped in,” author Marc Bain wrote.

Agriculture Secretary Emmanuel Piñol reportedly launched a marketing campaign called “Metro Mango” that aims to sell one million kilograms of mangoes in Manila for the whole month of June.

Fresh mangoes will be sold at discounted prices from P148 and P190 pesos to P20 and P50 in local markets.