DPWH, Uber in partnership for seamless travel

December 6, 2017 - 11:01 AM
DPWH Secretary Mark A. Villar (left) sealed the partnership agreement with UBER country manager, Laurence Cua. Handout photo

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — The riding public can now have a seamless and efficient carpool experience as Uber joins forces with the Department of Public Works and Highways.

On December 5, DPWH Secretary Mark A. Villar sealed the agreement with UBER’s country manager, Laurence Cua through a Memorandum of Understanding signing event held at the Operations Room, DPWH Building.

Secretary Villar acknowledged the importance of the Uber app in the promotion of ridesharing and carpooling which can aid in traffic decongestion along the major thoroughfares in the Metro.

“This is one major step towards finding a solution to the increasing vehicle volume in our roads. With the help of Uber, we will be able to have better decision-making process when it comes to traffic patterns, solutions, and re-routing schemes,” Villar said.

The riding app will build the Movement for Manila platform with the help of the DPWH Planning Department to provide inputs for enhanced traffic management and troubleshooting.

“Our Department is one with Uber in their campaign towards finding a solution to our current traffic condition. We will provide them with inputs and relevant updates to ensure a hassle-free journey for their growing ridership,” added Villar.

Uber Philippines country manager Laurence Cua expressed her full support for the upcoming endeavor with the Department citing that Uber will provide reliable data about traffic patterns and the use of the city infrastructure as collected by the Uber application.