Talisay city hall employees may express love through Valentine’s dress code

February 10, 2023 - 6:46 PM
This composite photo shows a man in a red shirt and a woman in a white shirt (Left image by user18526052 on Freepik, right image by rawpixel.com on Freepik)

For the City of Talisay in Cebu, Valentine’s Day is not just for lovers.

Talisay City Mayor Gerald Anthony Gullas said that city hall employees and job order workers could come in certain colors to show their respective love or romantic statuses on the Day of Hearts.

Based on his Memorandum Order 056-2023, they are “encouraged to participate” in the city’s Valentine’s Day celebration by donning the following colors with the following status for their attires:

  • Red — Taken and in love
  • Yellow — It’s complicated
  • White — Single and contented
  • Green — Single and ready to mingle
  • Pink — Patiently waiting
  • Grey — The one that got away
  • Black — Manhid or numb

Gullas said the gimmick will be practiced so that employees could have a “lively, entertaining and colorful” celebration of the Feast of St. Valentine.

“Valentine’s Day is usually a happy day. It’s an opportunity to spend the day with your wife or husband, girlfriend or boyfriend. Ang malipay ani ang mga taw na in love. (Happy are those in love),” he said on Facebook.

“Sadly for some, not all people are in love come February 14. Some are hurt, some are in complicated relationships, some just want to be alone, some let the one [got] away and some are just manhid to their feelings,” the city chief added.

Gullas said that the city has been observing the “practice” for three years already, adding that it is dedicated to their employees who want to express their feelings.

“Especially those who are single or who just got out of a relationship,” he added.

“Happy Valentine’s to all!!” the city chief exclaimed with a smiling face emoji.

When Gullas issued a similar memo for the first time in 2020, he only had four assigned colors.

Red was to be worn by those in love and taken, green for those who were single and ready to mingle, yellow for “it’s complicated” and orange for those who have been prisoners to someone’s heart.