Church agency urges senators to side with truth, justice in Quiboloy probe

March 8, 2024 - 3:33 PM
Apollo Quiboloy
In this undated member, Apollo Quiboloy preaches to members of the Restorationist church he founded based in Davao City. (Quiboloy via Facebook)

The humanitarian and advocacy arm of the Catholic Church urged lawmakers, particularly senators, to pursue the truth regarding the alleged sexual abuses within Apollo Quiboloy’s ministry.

“Caritas Philippines emphasized the need of ensuring justice for the alleged victims of human trafficking, sexual abuse, and other criminal activities involving Quiboloy and his church, the “Kingdom of Jesus Christ”.

“We call on Congress, particularly the Senate, to remain steadfast in its pursuit of truth and justice,” the national Caritas said.

A Senate committee on Tuesday ordered the arrest of Quiboloy after he again failed to show up for testimony before lawmakers.

Some senators, however, have stood up for the controversial pastor and are opposing the issuance of the contempt order against him.

The church agency urged the Senate to uphold the rule of law “and ensure that everyone, regardless of their status or influence, is held accountable for their actions.”

The Caritas earlier appealed to Quiboloy to submit himself to the Senate inquiry and any other legitimate investigations.

“This is not about silencing him or denying him his rights; it is about ensuring that all voices are heard and that the truth prevails,” it added.

“We also urge all Filipinos to stand together in upholding the dignity of every human person and ensuring that the scales of justice tip in favor of the vulnerable and the voiceless, not the powerful and the privileged,” it also said.