WATCH: #BackToBAKuna is DOH’s new catchy vaccination campaign

April 27, 2017 - 3:15 PM

MANILA – In line with this year’s World Immunization Week (April 24-30) theme of “Vaccines Work”, the Department of Health (DOH) released a vaccination campaign featuring the ‘Bakuna Boys.’

BAKwagon DOH TV Public Service Announcement via DOH Facebook Page (

In a series of videos, a group of five men (Bakuna Boys) sing and dance to catchy music with lyrics aimed to educate Filipino moms about the benefits of vaccination and the schedule of vaccination for newborn babies. The public service announcement video has a chorus line, “Bring your baby back to bakuna” and ends with a message from Health Secretary Paulyn Ubial.

As of writing, the PSA ad had already garnered 58,000 views, 1,239 shares, and hundreds of comments since it was posted last April 23 on the DOH Facebook page.

You may watch the other videos of the Bakuna Boys here:

Limang Bisita –

May BAKuna para D’yan –