‘Pipilayin namin kayo bago pa kayo makalakad,’ SolGen tells Yellows, Reds, clergy, bizmen, media, others behind alleged Du30 ouster plot

October 5, 2017 - 3:43 PM
File photo of Solicitor General Jose Calida

MANILA, Philippines — Solicitor General Jose Calida on Thursday vowed the government would not allow the alleged plot of various groups to overthrow the Duterte administration to succeed as they would already be “crippled” even before they could carry out any of their plans.

“They will not succeed. Pipilayin namin sila [We will cripple them] before they can walk,” he said during an interview with dzRH radio.

“The best defense is offense. Kakasuhan natin ‘yong mga lumalabag sa batas [We will sue those who break the law],” he later added.

Calida earlier claimed those behind an alleged “black operation” against President Rodrigo Duterte were personalities from the “yellow” opposition, the Reds or the communists, and members of the clergy.

Besides the three groups, the top government lawyer said during the radio interview on Thursday that several businessmen, members of media, and bloggers were likewise involved in the alleged plot to overthrow the government.

Meron (mga negosyante), from within and without. Merong nagpopondo sa kanila… Kasama ‘yan sa destabilization. Meron din silang mga tao sa media and even in the bloggers na nagpapakalat ng fake news,” he said in radio interview.

[There are businessmen, from within and without. They provide the funds…They are part of the destabilization. They also have people in the media and even among bloggers who spread fake news.]

Calida: Groups want Duterte ousted by first quarter of 2018

According to Calida, these groups allegedly intend to overthrow the Duterte administration in the first quarter of 2018.

“There is now a black operation underway and gusto nila [they wanted] by first quarter next year, pabagsakin na ‘yong gobyerno. Kaya hindi na ito biro [to overthrow the government. So this is no longer a joke],” he said.

The solicitor general, however, did not yet bare the names of those allegedly behind the operation as the disclosure might pre-empt the administration’s plans against the alleged plotters.

He nonetheless hinted that some members of the alleged groups were those who had lost in the previous national elections.

Pero [But] generally speaking, ito ‘yong mga natalo [these are people who lost in the] last election. Hindi nila matanggap na isang mayor sa Davao dumiretso bilang pangulo ng bayan [They can’t accept that a Davao mayor went straight to becoming the president of the country],” he said.

These personalities started to plot against the President right after Duterte assumed his post last year and waited for certain events that would strengthen their plans, such as the death of Caloocan Grade 11 student Kian Loyd delos Santos, according to Calida.

Moreover, the solicitor general alleged that students enrolled in Catholic universities were also being brainwashed.

Kagaya ng Madrasa, bine-brainwash nila ‘yong mga convent para magalit sa mga Kristiyano. Parang gano’n ‘yong ginagawa nila [Like those in the Madrasa, they are brainwashing those in the convents so they would get mad at Christians. This is what they’re doing.]

The said groups were also applying the same strategy they had done against former presidents Ferdinand Marcos and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Calida noted.

“Gasgas na ‘yan eh (referring to their strategy). Ginamit nila ‘yan against President Ferdinand Marcos, and then ginamit nila kay GMA. Kung sino ‘yong kalaban nila gano’n ‘yong kanilang — tandem ‘yan, tandem ng mga dilaw, pula, at tsaka ‘yong mga some members of the clergy,” he said.

[Their strategy is already worn out. They did that against President Ferdinand Marcos then they did it again against GMA. Whoever is their enemy, that is how they — it’s a tandem. It’s a tandem of the yellows, the Reds, and some members of the clergy.]

Calida said plots to overthrow the government would not flourish given Duterte’s high trust and popularity ratings.

Paano nila pabagsakin ‘yong ganyang klaseng [How will they topple that kind of] high rating? They can try. But I will assure you, they will fail and fail miserably,” he said.

He also mentioned of talks about forming a revolutionary government in order to curb corruption.

“In fact, merong usap-usapan nga dapat mag-revolutionary government na lang para malinis na itong katiwalian. Kasi under our system ngayon, even to pass a law, ang haba ng panahon para makapag-pass ng law. So people are frustrated in this system already,” he said.

[In fact, there are talks to have a revolutionary government instead in order to cleanse corruption. Because under our current system, it takes a long time to pass a law. So people are frustrated in this system already.]