Visual artists can take this masterclass on their intellectual property rights

March 8, 2022 - 11:48 AM
Intellectual property rights
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Filipino visual artists have the opportunity to learn how to protect their creations through a free masterclass that will be offered by a government agency.

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) announced that professionals and freelancers in the field of visual arts, animations, illustrations, sculpting and painting are invited to attend its free IP (Intellectual Property) masterclass.

It is a webinar where they can learn why protecting their creations should be a priority and how they can avoid committing copyright violations. It will also tackle other issues affecting intellectual property rights in their sector.

The masterclass will be on March 23 from 1 to 5:30 p.m.

Interested artists can register through the ILAW website while those with inquiries can send a message to the IP Academy.

According to its website, the masterclass for artists “is a training program specially tailored for visual artists who desire to increase their understanding on key topics” such as the following:

  • Intellectual Property (trademarks, copyright, patents, utility models, industrial designs, and other related matters including but not limited to IP enforcement
  • Contemporary issues related to intellectual property in the creative industry.

The IPOPHL through IP Academy conducts a series of advanced seminars on intellectual property that will cater to specific audiences or sectors.

Last month, it conducted a program for branding and marketing specialists.