STYLE SMARTS | K-Beauty 101: Voguing, emulsions, and that gorgeous luminous look

July 10, 2017 - 12:43 PM
Get the popular Korean gradient lip plus a youthful flush with just one product: Peripera Ink Velvet. No retouch necessary—it’s true. It’s kiss proof! Photo courtesy of Club Clio Philippines.

With the resurgence of interest in K-drama (blame it on a certain goblin), comes the inevitable: revived interest in K-beauty. While the TV bug may have bitten more Filipinas this time around, especially because even our local celebrities have unwittingly become its poster girls, knowledge about K-beauty may remain minimal.

The recent opening of Clio’s first store in the Philippines located in Trinoma, which carries three brands namely Clio, Peripera, and skincare brand Goodal, opened the K-beauty conversation amongst the beauty bloggers and media.

There are a few basics when it comes to an introduction to K-beauty.

First, is that healthy skin trumps any makeup technique and style. And this isn’t lip service to Koreans, who are known to have a 10-step skincare routine. Some of us can’t even get ourselves to put moisturizer on after washing our face! With Goodal—which is the summation of the words “good” and “all” meaning, it offers all things good—the routine need not be too long and tasking.

Beauty insider, blogger, and editor Nicole Romero shared at the launch that opting for an emulsion like the Green Tangerine Moist Emulsion during the day can save you time by replacing your serum and moisturizer step.

Many of the Korean products are often applied by hand, rather than cotton pads or balls. Nicole also taught guests how Koreans usually apply their serums, creams, and emulsions, by voguing. Yes, think Madonna.

After dispensing just enough product on the palms of your hands, warm it by lightly pressing your palms together then put one palm across your forehead and the other on your chin (your hands in opposing directions) then pat. Next, pat both hands lightly over your eyes and cheeks, and lastly, pat lightly on your cheeks with both hands almost doing a V-shape. Can you see why this was dubbed voguing?

Keep reading for more K-beauty 101 lessons and tips from Club Clio’s product manager.

Ronna Bonifacio (RB): What are some differences you can enumerate between the K-beauty style and the way Filipinas like to do their makeup? Is there a difference in application, in shade preference, etc?

Angel Feliciano (AF): The foundation to k-beauty is gorgeous luminous or dewy skin as opposed to matte finishes. Koreans also do their contour in a v-shape manner (or, from the middle of their ear going down to the chin to mimic a “V” on the lower half of their face—RB). For eyebrows, they prefer a straight or archless shape. For lips, they are into lip tints and stains in vivid colors and also pink, peach, and coral shades as opposed to nudes.

They do a very thin and natural eyeliner technique which relies mostly on tight lining and extending the wing in a downward shape. K-beauty also popularized tearbag contouring or the “Aegyo sal” which promises to give the eyes a more 3d and innocent-looking shape. Overall the aim of k-beauty is to give off a more natural, innocent, and youthful look.

Luminous, dewy skin is key to the K-beauty look. Use lightweight base products, such as Clio’s Nudism Water Grip Cushion and Nudism Water Grip Brightener. Photo courtesy of Club Clio Philippines.

RB: How can Filipinas who do not look oriental (for example, more morena or those who have big and deep set eyes) try the K-beauty makeup style? From your own experience, what are some of the tweaks you did to try out this style?

AF: Contrary to what some may think, this style can match any skin tone. It’s just a matter of finding the right base makeup, complementary colors that matches your undertone, and adapting the techniques and Korean style of doing your makeup. During our makeup training sessions, some of our artists have morena/non-oriental features and they look amazing with k-beauty makeup.

RB: What are some of the biggest K-beauty trends right now?
AF: Fuller and more natural looking feathery brows with a very slight arch are starting to become popular in the Korean beauty sphere. Shiny as opposed to matte lip color in vibrant shades are trendy especially for the summer season. Cushion-anything makeup is still king.

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RB: Those unfamiliar with Clio, Peripera, and Goodal should try…
AF: The Clio Kill Cover Range, Peripera Ink Velvets and the Goodal Keratina and Green Tangerine line.

Insider tip: If you’re keen on trying out this K-beauty look but want to stay within budget, pick up Peripera Ink Velvet. You can use it on your lips for either a full color matte lip that stays all day or just in the middle for the gradient lip (see first photo!), tap it on your cheeks like you would a cheek tint, and yes, even use it on the outer corner of your eyes for a monochromatic makeup look. Clio’s Korean makeup artist created this look at the launch and because of Ink Velvet’s pigmentation, it’s so friendly on the pocket!

Clio is located at Trinoma and

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