Military diocese warns against man posing as priest

October 24, 2022 - 10:48 AM
Image by Foto-Rabe via Pixabay

The Military Ordinariate of the Philippines (MOP) warned against a man allegedly posing as one of its priests.

Bishop Oscar Jaime Florencio clarified that the military diocese does not have any relations with a certain “Fr. Aries Aguilar” and should not be treated as such.

“He has never been connected with us ever since,” Florencio said.

“Any claims and/or transactions he enters into using our name is, therefore, fraudulent and anomalous,” he said.

The bishop called on those with previous engagements with the said person to report to the military diocese.

“Please notify this office for further assistance and for any legal actions to be undertaken, if necessary,” he added.

The MOP serves not only Catholics in the military but also the pastoral care of those in the police, coast guard, and prison service.