Lipa archbishop urges Catholics to form conscience for environment

October 11, 2023 - 10:00 AM
Caritas Philippines president Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo leads the 2nd Caritas Bike for Kalikasan from Montemaria Pilgrimage Center in Batangas City to the Lagadlarin Mangrove Forest Park Lobo, Batangas on Oct. 7, 2023. (Caritas Philippines via CBCP News)

A Catholic official has expressed hope that people’s consciences will lead them to take action on environmental and climate issues.

Archbishop Gilbert Garcera of Lipa said that Catholics need to develop strong consciences and learn how to discern wisely when it comes to caring for the environment and promoting the common good.

“I hope many people will have a conscience about what is happening in the world today and respond to it. The important thing is that there is a response to it,” Garcera said.

That’s why, according to him, it is important for people to have the “gift of a disturbed mind,” one that enables them to see clearly and make sound judgments.

“Let us have the conscience and awareness of the situation, and let us continue telling people about what is happening to our environment,” he said.

The archbishop made the statement during the second “Caritas Bike for Kalikasan,” which was held in Batangas province on Oct. 7.

A number of cyclists participated in the activity for this year’s Season of Creation, cycling from Montemaria Pilgrimage Center in Batangas City to the Lagadlarin Mangrove Forest Park in Lobo town.

The event also featured the “Walk for Creation” and “Walk for Verde Island Passage” from Lobo parish church to the mangrove forest park.

Caritas Philippines President Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo said that the bike ride for the environment was their way of “encouraging people to take action to protect our ‘common home.’”

“We hope that this event will inspire people to make lifestyle changes that are more sustainable and to work together to create a more just and equitable world for all,” Bagaforo said.