Police file complaint vs MILF for Maguindanao show of force

April 25, 2017 - 2:00 PM
MILF fighters (Reuters file)

PARANG, Maguindanao — Police have filed a complaint before the joint ceasefire panel of the government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front against MILF members who allegedly staged a show of force that included indiscriminate firing in front of the police station of Parang, Maguindanao on Monday.

Nobody was hurt in the incident but police called it a provocation and a serious violation of the 1997 Agreement on the General Cessation of Hostilities between government and the MILF.

Around a hundred MILF fighters converged in front of the police station and fired their weapons in the air before retreating to another village.

Von Al Haq, spokesman of the Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces, confirmed the gunmen were MILF fighters.

”The MILF is probing the incident. Commander Dimatuntay is restricted from leaving the camp,” he said.

Earlier, the MILF said it would file a protest against the police for the death of a younger brother of MILF vice chairman for political affairs Ghadzali Jaafar.

Boy Jaafar, also known as Boy Bangsamoro, was a legitimate MILF member, Jaafar said.

The younger Jaafar died when he allegedly chose to shoot it out with policemen serving warrants for his arrest on murder and frustrated murder charges.

But Jaafar said the police did not coordinate with the MILF as required by the ceasefire agreement.