‘A Symphony of Roots’: Filipino visual artist honors heritage in latest exhibit

August 26, 2023 - 12:38 PM
Aileen Lanuza (Galerie Stephanie/Facebook)

Filipino artist Aileen Lanuza, known for creating contemporary artworks on the female experience, opened her latest solo exhibition titled, “A Symphony of Roots” at Galerie Stephanie last August 9.

Lanuza studied fine arts majoring in visual communication in 1999 and had her first solo show and became part of auctions and publications in 2008.

Lanuza was not alone in this exhibition, as she worked closely with “Kaayo,” a homegrown clothing line founded in 2016 that dedicated to bringing Mindanaoan weaving heritage to the world.

The artist’s solo exhibition contains acrylic on canvas paintings of Filipina women, various flowers and traditional Filipina clothing.

Lanuza’s paintings were connected to Filipina women’s history that involved Maria Clara, the mestiza heroine of Jose Rizal’s “Noli Me Tangere.”

Aileen Lanuza’s “Cor Rosae” or (The Heart of a Rose), “Devotion,” “Cognatae Animae” (Kindred Soul) and “Regnabit” (Reign) (Galerie Stephanie/Released)

Each painting resonated with the long history of Filipina women, stories that Lanuza said are stories people continue to tell today.

Collaborative passion

Lanuza said that she shares the same passion with the clothing line in honoring Filipino indigenous weaves.

“I share the same passion as Kaayo has, in maintaining our roots and bringing forth our custom indigenous weaves that are inherently Filipino. It is important for me in my works to highlight the best of what we are, maintaining our identity and always, bearing the power to be who we are,” she explained in a statement.

Galerie Stephanie posted a short video showcasing some of the works in Lanuza’s latest solo exhibition.

“A Symphony of Roots” exhibit is open for viewing until August 27 at Galerie Stephanie, located on the 4th floor of Shangri-la Plaza East Wing, Mandaluyong City.