Catholic schools reject bets engaged in martial law historical revisionism

February 8, 2022 - 10:46 AM
Illustration by Mohamed Hassan via Pixabay

A network of Catholic schools in the country on Monday chided political candidates who use disinformation on social media in an attempt to win the May elections.

The Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines did not identify any politician by name but it criticized the “brazen” efforts to portray the martial law years as the country’s glory days.

“We vehemently reject the candidates who run under this platform of lies and historical distortion,” CEAP said.

“We value truth, and thus we deplore the massive disinformation that is deceiving our people, especially our youth, in a way that is unparalleled in our history,” it said.

CEAP made the pronouncement in a statement titled, “A call to moral courage in the 2022 elections”. It was signed by the association’s board of trustees led by its president, Sr. Marissa Viri, RVM.

Similarly, the Catholic educators will also reject bets that back the “unjust” actions of President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration.

These, it said, include the government’s ruthless war on drugs “and the blatant lack of remorse and accountability from the country’s leadership”.

CEAP also rejected candidates who supported the Duterte government’s seeming inaction towards China’s incursions within the Philippine territory.

On the other hand, the Catholic schools said they will support candidates that have no record of corruption, proven competence in participatory governance, and transparency and accountability in public service.

CEAP said they value integrity and they also support candidates who have love for the poor and their empowerment, ability to sacrifice for the sake of the common good, and readiness to fight for values of truth, social justice, and democracy.

“We support leaders who wield power as social responsibility and not self-entitlement, and who can connect to the spiritual in their lives, through their conscience, discernment, and faith in God,” it added.

“Our society is now languishing in the darkness of lies, injustice, authoritarianism, and dysfunctional leadership and governance. The May elections is the opportunity that will break this darkness,” CEAP said.