Manny Pacquiao teases Pinoys ahead of New Year’s Eve celebration

December 31, 2024 - 6:10 PM
Former senator and boxer Manny Pacquiao in Dubai with his wife Jinkee and their children in this photo posted on his Facebook page on Dec. 30, 2024 (Manny Pacquiao via Facebook)

“Oh, alam na.”

Former senator and boxing legend Manny Pacquiao appeared to reference his ever-viral New Year’s Eve video greeting, which has since become meme content.

The boxer-turned-politician posted a photo of himself with his family in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Monday, December 30, with the following caption:

“Spending New Year’s here in Dubai. Oh alam na, 2 [two] days to go na lang!” 

Pacquiao accompanied his text with a winking face emoji.

His post has earned 389,000 likes and love reactions, 20,600 comments, and 2,200 shares so far, with some Filipinos referencing his 2015 video greeting in the reshares.

“‘Hapii nyuyir!!'” a Facebook user exclaimed, mimicking the boxer’s distinguishable accent.

“Api nu yir, ebriwan,” another user wrote.

“Image you can hear,” commented a different Pinoy.

“Hapi nyo yer, ebri 1,” quipped another user.

Last year, images of Pacquiao being “defrosted” as Filipinos anticipate New Year’s Eve appeared online.

Online Pinoys used an image of the boxer from his 2015 New Year video greeting when he greeted Filipinos while fireworks set off in the background.

At that time, Pacquiao was a representative of the Sarangani province, the hometown of his wife, Jinkee.

“Happy New Year!” he exclaimed in the video before.

The video has since been used as a meme or a way for Pinoys to greet each other during New Year celebrations.

RELATED: Manny Pacquiao ‘defrosting’ meme born as Pinoys anticipate New Year’s EveOdd trend: Manny Pacquiao’s old New Year greeting surfaces as 2023 kicked in