Malaysian ringgit falls most among Asian currencies

Image by Squirrel_photos via Pixabay

The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0202 GMT.

Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move
Japan yen 146.610 146.9 +0.20
Sing dlr 1.308 1.307 -0.04
Taiwan dlr 32.095 32.021 -0.23
Korean won 1339.600 1338.5 -0.08
Baht 34.250 34.18 -0.20
Peso 56.580 56.481 -0.17
Rupiah 15550.000 15520 -0.19
Rupee 83.918 83.9175 0.00
Ringgit 4.370 4.35 -0.46
Yuan 7.119 7.117 -0.03
Change so far in 2024
Currency Latest bid End 2023 Pct Move
Japan yen 146.610 141.060 -3.79
Sing dlr 1.308 1.319 +0.89
Taiwan dlr 32.095 30.735 -4.24
Korean won 1339.600 1288.000 -3.85
Baht 34.250 34.165 -0.25
Peso 56.580 55.388 -2.11
Rupiah 15550.000 15395.000 -1.00
Rupee 83.918 83.208 -0.85
Ringgit 4.370 4.590 +5.03
Yuan 7.119 7.098 -0.29

 —Compiled by Roshan Thomas in Bengaluru; Editing by Rashmi Aich

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