Bimby Aquino showered by messages of support after speaking up on gender orientation

April 29, 2021 - 1:36 PM
Bimby Aquino
Bimby Aquino in this video with his mom Kris Aquino. (Screenshot from Kris Aquino's official Facebook page)

Filipinos threw their support for Kris Aquino‘s youngest son after he talked about gender orientation in response to online users’ insistent speculation.

In a two-part Q & A video with his mom, James Aquino Yap Jr., also known as Bimby, answered seven questions posed by Kris.

They exchanged seven questions each, in light of Bimby’s 14th birthday last week.

When it was Kris’ turn to ask Bimby, the Queen of All Media brought up the social media comments claiming his son is “gay.”

“How do you feel, honestly, when you read those comments and they say you’re gay?” she asked.

“Wala, I don’t really feel anything. I just feel like, sige, if you think I’m gay, alright… But you do realize na the gay community sa Philippines is a strong community. And you do realize that I’m 13… 14 in a few minutes,” Bimby answered in response to the issue.

“Parang, like, it did not go through my mind. Like, ’cause I know what I am. I’m straight. I’m straight as an arrow,” he added.

Kris asked him if he was “sure,” to which the teenager responded without a beat.

“Yes… I’m as straight as one of our iPads… I’ll set the record straight. I’m straight. I like women, I don’t like boys,” Bimby reiterated.

Kris then told him that whatever he chooses to be is “none of their business.”

“Whatever you are, I’ll accept. I really don’t care, honestly. Whatever you choose to be, it will be fine with me for as long as you excel,” she said.

Bimby then received messages of support following his comments.

Some urged online users to stop placing minors under “pressure” on social media, adding that Bimby’s gender orientation is none of the public’s business.

“Bimby, you are a good son to your mom. You are smart, loving and I see how you care for Josh, your kuya with special needs. ‘Yan ang mahalaga. For Bimby to be put in a situation to defend himself is sad,” broadcast journalist Karen Davila said on Facebook.

“Let us not subject kids to this kind of pressure pls. Let’s allow Bimby to grow up and become who he wants to be—and however that is, should be perfect. Whether a child is straight or not, they shouldn’t be explaining themselves this way to anyone. As a society—let us celebrate children. Let us embrace them. Accept them. Love them. PERIOD,” she added.

“This is nobody’s business, really. Shame on people who think his or anyone’s sexual orientation matters,” a Filipino from Twitter commented.

“At this point in time, Bimby shouldn’t be explaining to us his SOGIE. C’mon people, let’s do better,” another Twitter user said.

SOGIE stands for sexual orientation and gender identity expression.

“I still don’t get why some people question or worse, make fun of one’s sexuality. Like, bruh, don’t you have anything to do other than lurk around someone else’s life??” tweeted another Filipino.

Last month, Kris also called out social media users who are making Bimby’s gender orientation an issue through an Instagram post.

“Bimb has been repeatedly targeted with bullying because people are insisting he is gay,” she wrote before.

“I know my son doesn’t identify as being gay BUT in the event he ever does, he will still be my son. The bullying you are doing is a reflection of your homophobic attitudes that are no longer welcome in 2021,” Kris added.

Former broadcaster Jay Sonza in 2018 called Bimby “baklain” after it was reported that he was hospitalized after a swimming pool accident.

Kris responded by sharing a quote on Instagram from George Bernard Shaw: “Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”