Colleagues send sweet notes for Kris Aquino as she hints more autoimmune disease

September 7, 2022 - 5:51 PM
Kris Aquino with sons
Kris Aquino with her sons Bimby and Joshua in this photo from her Instagram on Sept. 7, 2022. (Instagram/krisaquino)

Fellow showbiz personalities and friends are hopeful for the improvement of Kris Aquino‘s health after she revealed being possibly diagnosed with a fifth autoimmune condition.

The “Queen of All Media” on Wednesday shared a picture of her lying in bed with her sons, Bimby and Josh.

Kris accompanied her post with an update about her health. She clarified her older sister’s past comments in a Zoom interview.

Last August, Ballsy Aquino said that Kris might already have “four” autoimmune diseases after the younger Aquino went to the United States to seek treatment.

RELATED: ‘Get well’ messages pour in for Kris Aquino diagnosed with more autoimmune diseases

“To clarify, [when] we left the [Philippines], I was already diagnosed with 3 autoimmune conditions. It was while here in Houston that I was diagnosed with a 4th,” Kris said in an Instagram post.

“Unfortunately all my physical manifestations are pointing to a possible 5th — opo, pinakyaw ko na!” she added.

Kris previously shared that she has autoimmune thyroiditis, chronic spontaneous urticaria and Churg Strauss syndrome.

An autoimmune disease is a type of illness in which the person’s own immune system attacks the body’s healthy cells, mistaking them for foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses.

Healthline said that there are more than 80 known autoimmune conditions. Their symptoms often overlap, making them hard to diagnose.

Meanwhile, Kris said in her post that she is also set to start her immunosuppressant therapy, which helps patients stop their immune response from overacting.

“I was warned that the safest form of chemotherapy (I don’t have cancer) that can be used for my autoimmune conditions will make me lose my hair. Hair will eventually grow back but permanently damaged organs won’t — so dedma muna sa vanity,” she wrote.

Kris also said that she is resting since her “PICC line” will be removed tomorrow morning.

This refers to a peripherally inserted central catheter line, a thin tube that lets doctors access large central veins near the heart. It is generally used to give medications or liquid nutrition.

Kris said that her children continue to be her inspiration as she faces her diseases.

“There have been times I wanted to give up — because of fatigue [and] being forever bedridden; the bruises all over my body that suddenly appear; my inability (since February) to tolerate solid food; headaches; bone-deep pain in my spine, knees, joints in my fingers; and my constant flares [especially] in my face that just keep getting worse…” she shared.

“BUT I remind myself [that] Kuya [and] Bimb still need me [and] mahiya naman ako sa lahat ng mga patuloy na nagdarasal para gumanda ang kalusugan ko if I just give up,” Kris added.

Following her post, fellow showbiz friends and personalities aired their support and well-wishes in the comments section.

“Will continue to pray for you, Kris,” Jackie Lou Blanco wrote with heart emojis.

“I love you, nanay,” Miles Ocampo commented with a revolving hearts emoji.

“Praying for you, mare! By His stripes, you will be healed, in Jesus’ name!” Jinkee Pacquiao wrote with folded hands emojis.

Geneva Cruz sent sparkling heart emojis, while Derek Ramsay commented with a folded hands emoji.

Content creator Krissy Achino, her impersonator, also wished the showbiz personality well.

“‘God gives His toughest battles to His strongest soldiers…’ our family is continuously praying for your complete healing [and] recovery, Ms. Kris! Get well soonest!!!” she wrote.

In 2018, Kris initially bared of having an autoimmune condition. She has been undergoing various medical tests and treatments since.