David Archuleta on dealing with depression: Pray and talk to someone

October 20, 2017 - 9:11 AM
David Archuleta. (Photo by Madi Geronimo/InterAksyon)

Filipino fans will always have a special place in David Archuleta’s heart.

The 26-year-old “American Idol” sensation who dabbled in acting via the TV5 teleserye, “Nandito Ako” during an extended stay in the country in 2012 is back in town for a special solo concert this Friday, October 20, at the Kia Theatre.

During the press conference to promote his show, David talked about his experience with Filipino fans not just when he was here but also just about everywhere he performs.

“Filipino fans recognize me faster than anyone else does. They are very passionate. They have very big hearts. They’re very sensitive and they’re very emotional…I think that’s why Filipinos connect to music so well,” he enthused.

“I don’t know anyone who loves music more than Filipinos. And I don’t know anyone who sings better than Filipinos either.”

As a way of updating fans on how he has been doing as of late, David revealed that he took a break from his singing career for a while to focus on his work as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. But even as a missionary, he continued to sing several times a day.

‘I’ve probably sung more on my mission than I ever have in my life. It was just nice because it’s not all about me. They (the members of the church) didn’t have to know me. They didn’t have to be a fan and they would be moved. A lot of people would be crying and it wasn’t because they were meeting David Archuleta. It was because of what that song said and how it has touched them,” he said in an interview with News5’s Laila Chikadora.

Helping and inspiring others, particularly those who are undergoing depression, has become a big part of David’s purpose in life. He admits that he himself went through a phase when he was depressed due to being bullied in school.

“Even when I was little, I’ve always had self-confidence issues. I got bullied and I was known as the quiet kid. I sat by myself during lunch and I would be made fun of. I was socially awkward. I think feeling good enough was something I always wondered,” he recalled.

His advice to those having a similar phase? Pray and look for someone to talk to.

“Say a prayer or if you are not religious, talk to someone and say this is how I am feeling. Don’t be afraid [to let anyone know] that you’re feeling that way. Words like “I dont know if I’m good enough to even be alive”… It’s hard to feel that way, to feel that you are not good enough and be hated by people. But know that you still matter… Let someone know who’s willing to talk about it with you,” he added.

“Every day when I wake up [and wonder about] this person who is going through a hard time, this person who is going through a divorce, this person who is going through addictions. How can I help them overcome that?… I need to help other people. I need to let them know that no matter what they’re going through, they have a purpose.”

An accomplished songwriter himself, David hopes that like the Christian songs he sings in his daily mission, the new songs in his latest album “Postcards in the Sky” will make a difference in people’s lives.

“My goal is for whoever listens to the music will just find light and be able to shine that brighter in them, in their lives. [The single] ‘Invincible’ is about how I’m my own worst enemy. Like, the only one holding you back is you and the thoughts that you have. I have that all the time,” he confessed.

David said that the message that he’s trying to impart with the song is “Take a [deep] breath…you don’t have to be perfect. It’s okay even if you mess up, you could keep trying”

As for what fans can expect from his concert this Friday, David said he will be singing old songs which his fans loved including well-loved OPM tunes that he recorded here for the album, “Forevermore.” He admits that that album’s title track, a popular hit for Side A, remains his favorite OPM song which he sings even in his U.S. performances.

Asked if he’s willing to act again in the Philippines, David answered in the affirmative and said, “Maybe I’ll learn more Tagalog or something… I wouldn’t mind though because I enjoyed it so much.”

David said he’d be happy to be cast in drama or comedy projects but being a big cartoon and anime fan, he’s more intrigued by the prospect of voicing an animated feature or series, particularly playing the part “of an animal or something.”

“Maybe I can voice a fish since I love ‘Finding Nemo’,” he quipped.

Watch the full interview of David Archuleta with News5’s Laila Chikadora here: