WAZER | The world’s best, worst places to be a driver

Waze Driver Satisfaction Index. Source: Waze

MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Waze, the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app, has found that drivers in the Philippines are among the least satisfied in the world according to its 3rd annual global Driver Satisfaction Index.

The Waze Driver Satisfaction Index analyzes the driving experience of millions of monthly active Waze users in 39 countries and 217 metros to create a single numeric score, from satisfying (10) to miserable (1).

While Waze has more than 90 million monthly active users globally in more than 185 countries, Waze chose to focus on countries and metros with more than 40,000+ monthly active users to ensure data accuracy and fair market comparisons.

Many traffic indices only look at a single quantifiable factor such as time spent in traffic. The Driver Satisfaction Index measures six qualitative and quantitative attributes to provide an unprecedented look at the overall driver experience in cities and countries worldwide.

Driver Satisfaction Index six key factors include the following: Traffic -density and severity of traffic; Quality -road quality and infrastructure; Road Safety -density of accidents, road hazards and weather; Driver Services -access to gas stations and easy parking; Socio Economic -access to cars and impact of gas prices; Wazeyness -Happiness and helpfulness of the Waze community

The Driver Satisfaction Index

According to the survey, Malaysia has been ranked as the best place to drive (number 21 globally) in Southeast Asia. While Singapore, Indonesia and The Philippines are ranked 30, 36 and 39 respectively.

IN the Asia Pacific region, the Philippines’ driving dissatisfaction trails behind that of Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia due to unhappiness with traffic jam length, commute time and helpfulness of the driving community.

In contrast, Singapore is among the top five countries with the best driver services worldwide, thanks to efficient access to gas stations and easy parking. Russia, Argentina, Hungary and United States rounded out the top five.

Globally, Venezuela is the only country with a 10 on the happiness index; Singapore scored a 2.3. While European cities dominate the top of the overall index, occupying eight of the leading ten spots.