‘Unethical’: Leonen calls out Bar takers messaging him requests to pass Bar exams

April 6, 2022 - 5:31 PM
Supreme Court
Facade of the Supreme Court building. (File Photo from Philippine News Agency)

Requesting to pass the Bar examinations is unethical.

Associate Justice Marvic Leonen, the former Bar chairperson, reminded takers of the 2020/2021 Bar examinations on Wednesday.

In a tweet, Leonen shared that he has been receiving messages from Bar takers asking him to let them pass the licensure test. He asked them to end this practice.

“Please do not DM me to request/plead that you pass the bar examination. You know that that is not ethical. Also, regardless of the result, maintain your dignity and integrity,” Leonen said.

“Titles are nothing without integrity. Remember that,” he added.

In the quote-retweets, some online users said they are ashamed that others directly messaged the magistrate and made such requests.

“The secondhand embarrassment that I am feeling right now,” one Twitter user said.

“Please, ‘earn it’ the hard way. You are going to practice a profession that affects people’s lives tapos i-beg mo pa. That is so desperate,” another user tweeted.

Some online users, on the other hand, agreed with Leonen’s view on integrity.

“Titles are nothing without integrity. Let that sink in,” one user said with a graduation cap emoji.

Prior to the announcement of the Bar exam results schedule, Leonen also quelled rumors claiming that the test results has already been released to the public.

“Do not be misled by rumors. I will make the announcement at the right time as to when the results of the bar examinations will be released and when the oath taking will take place,” he tweeted before.

READ: Leonen quells rumors on Bar exam results release, oath taking date

The 2020/2021 bar exams last February is the first digitalized and localized licensure tests in history.

It also has the biggest batch of bar candidates with a 96.5% turnout amid the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

In line with this, Leonen previously tweeted that they intended to have the oath-taking ceremony in person before the Supreme Court this year.

“Up to you to make the appropriate preparations,” he said.

The last oath-taking ceremony was in June 2020 during the height of the pandemic.

New lawyers who passed the 2019 bar exams took their oaths in a historic virtual ceremony.

READ: 2019 Bar topnotchers share scenes during ‘historic’ online oath-taking ceremony

On Tuesday, the former Bar chair announced that the results of the 2020/2021 Bar examinations will be released on April 12. The oath-taking ceremony will be on May 2.

Leonen said the Supreme Court intends to hold an in-person oath-taking next month.

“New lawyers, as per tradition, will take their oaths before the entire Court en banc in a special session. Up to you to make the appropriate preparations,” he said.