‘PARANG 100 PERCENT KASINUNGALINGAN’ | Leni already immune to social media bashing

April 23, 2017 - 2:55 PM
Vice President Leni Robredo (Reuters)

MANILA, Philippines – She’s called many names by her netizen critics such as Leni Lugaw, the fake VP, and Reyna ng Dilawan.

How does Leni Robredo take all the online bashing?

The Vice President says she has already become immune to harsh criticisms via social media because it appears that most if not all of the attacks against her are lies.

“Of course, that is not to say na, hindi importante iyong lahat ng bashings, kasi meron namang criticisms na constructive, na I think kaming mga public officials should still be in touch with,” said Robredo, during an open forum with students of the University of the Philippines in Los Banos, Laguna on Friday, April 21.

[Of course, that is not to say that bashings are not important because there are also criticisms that are constructive that I think public officials like us should be in touch with.]

Pero halimbawa iyong sa akin, parang 100 percent yata kasinungalingan. So bakit ko siya pag-aaksayan ng panahon?” she added.

[But in my case, it seems that 100 percent of the criticisms are all lies. So why should I waste time on these bashings?]

According to Robredo, she’s no longer affected by online below-the-belt criticisms especially when she goes to communities where the country’s poorest of the poor live and help them address their problems.

Pag bumababa kami, naririnig mo iyong mga kuwento noong mga mahihirap, iyong mga kausap mo wala naman kaalam-alam sa nangyayari sa Facebook [When we go down, we hear the stories of the poor and those who talked to don’t know what’s happening on Facebook],” she said.

Wala silang pakialam kung ano iyong pinag-aawayan sa Facebook kasi ang pakialam nila ay iyong kanilang kakainin sa araw- araw [They don’t mind what people argue about on Facebook because what is important to them is to meet their daily food needs.]”