Suffering from post-election grief? Here are some coping strategies

May 12, 2022 - 6:46 PM
Crying person
Photo of a crying individual. (Photo by Kat Jayne via Pexels)

A mental health services firm offered tips to Filipinos who are experiencing post-election grief.

The group called “Dear Future Self Consulting Services” or DFS shared these tips on Facebook on May 10.

DFS is composed of registered and licensed psychologists, guidance counselors & psychometricians, psychiatrists, certified hypnotherapists, certified professional life coaches, psychological first aiders, mental health first responders, registered nurses, medical doctors, certified interprofessional educators, certified performance specialists and performance breathing coaches.

“In any competition, someone loses and someone wins. Not on all occasions do we feel in control of the situation,” the group said.

The group advised voters who are suffering from grief to familiarize themselves with the five stages of it according to the Kübler-Ross model.

These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.

A Swiss-American psychiatrist named Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced this widely-used model or cycle through her book titled “On Death and Dying” in 1969.

DFS then said that the grieving parties have to learn to “accept” and “feel” their grief before they can fully heal.

“ACCEPT mental and physical effects of loss are REAL. You gotta feel the grief so you can heal – be sad, angry, anxious, frustrated, hopeless. Understand specifically what made you feel angry or upset,” the services said.

It also stated that it is important for grieving people to find a support system with their friends and family as they go through this difficult process.

“Surround yourself with friends, family, or relatives who can comfort you. Share your thoughts with people who have the same views as yours. Remember not to take it too personally, as you may lose friends along the way. Figure out how this loss changed what you think is important as you move forward,” it said.

The group also encouraged them to channel their energy into performing good deeds for the country.

“When feeling hopeless or out of control, channel your energy to supporting charities or causes. Help make this country a better place with your good deeds instead,” DFS said.

Moreover, voters should seek professional help when needed.

“If you have no one to talk to, see a psychologist who is ready, willing, and able to assist you with whatever feelings or issues this election cycle has brought up for you. Time to focus on self-improvement, perhaps?” DFS said.

Those who need therapy can book an appointment via the counseling services’ website.

The DFS also offered its mental health help services in a separate post.

“Our lines are open 24/7 (including weekends, after office hours, and holidays) to provide support for those who need to process their thoughts and emotions or if you just need someone to talk to,” its post reads.

Prior to Election Day, there are also several private health clinics and concerned Filipinos who are offering tips on dealing with election-related anxiety and stress.

READ: How to keep calm and carry on amid election anxiety, stress 

On May 9, during the voting period, the anxiety and tension among voters remained high.

They turned to the creation and sharing of memes to make light and poke fun at voting situations in some localities.

READ: Filipinos share memes to cope with anxiety on elections day