‘MEDIUM NA ‘KO ULI’ | Watch: Sharon Cuneta winning battle of the bulge

July 25, 2017 - 10:02 PM
Photo of Sharon Cuneta from her Instagram account

MANILA, Philippines – It looks Sharon Cuneta is on her way towards winning the battle of the bulge.

Can she go back to the days when she was the svelte Darna or when she could wear tanga?

That could be her target as the 51-year-old megastar recently announced via her Instagram account that she had shrunk to medium size and that her target was to get slimmer and wear small or even extra-small size clothes.

“MEDIUM na ako uli…I’m going for size SMALL but really would like to get to XS – EXTRA SMALL…No gana lang to eat nowadays…Dami iniisip but at least this weight loss has one good thing to come out of my concerns and stresses,” said Cuneta.

“Just have to make sure I don’t get sick. Pumpayat ako pero I’m afraid I’m not getting enough nourishment,” she added.

Below are the va-va-voom photos that Cuneta uploaded on her Instragram account when she played the role of Darna in the 1986 movie Captain Barbell with Edu Manzano as the protagonist and when she was rehearsing for her Sunday night musical variety The Sharon Cuneta Show.